Sophomore Career Planning

Kayla Sumsion

Kayla Sumsion 

Ashley Whiting

Ashley Whiting

Caryn Neilsen

Caryn Neilsen

Counselor F-G

Email Caryn Neilsen

Amy Bond

Amy Bond

Counselor H-K

Email Amy Bond

Karen Fuller

Karen Fuller

Counselor L-N

Email Karen Fuller

Scot Tippetts

Scot Tippetts

Counselor O-Sm

Email Scot Tippetts

Kaha'i Fa'alafua​

Kaha'i Fa'alafua​

Step 1: Learn about MMHS Graduation Requirements

Step 2: Exploring Careers

example of steps of career explorer

Step 3: Explore Offerings at MMHS

Step 4: Prepare for Classes For Junior and Senior Year

Step 5: Use Your Resources