Profile Page (free account)
Students who are not being actively recruited
Division III students
Contains account information and school history
Students who will not receive an academic or amateurism certification
Students can transition to a certification account at any time
Certification Account ($100)
Division I or II students
Students have opportunities for fee waivers
Contains account information, school and sports history
Required before signing a National Letter of Intent (NLI) with any Division I or Division II school
Required before attending an official visit to any NCAA Division I or II school
Role of the Student
Ensure you have/or plan to have the required number of NCAA core-courses (see graphic and MMHS NCAA Approved Courses above)
Submit ACT Scores to the NCAA: Scores can be sent for free by using the NCAA ACT Code 9999 when registering for the test. You can also send your scores by logging into your account and sending your scores manually (usually a $20 fee).
NCAA will not accept scores from your High School Transcript and a MMHS Counselor cannot send this score for you.
Check that your GPA qualifies for Division I or Division II Eligibility below:
Apply to the school of your choice and confirm that you have been accepted.
Request Final Amateurism Certification beginning April 1st before enrolling in college in the fall.
More information about Amateurism can be found here.