December Students of the Month

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Sadie Powers
Where do you want to see yourself in five yearsCollege, applying fro medical school. 
What are your favorite hobbies? Singing, cooking, art
If you could have a conversation with anyone from history, who would it be and what would you ask them? Johnny Cash. Just to sing with him. 

Nathan Wright

Photo by Trenton McGregor.

MMHS Ellevés Compete at Salt Lake Valley Classic Competition

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

The MMHS Ellevés competed in their first competition of the season, The Salt Lake Valley Classic Competition, at Juan Diego High School on Saturday, December 9. The Ellevés competed in the Pom, Hip Hop, Military, Dance, and Character categories. 

The Ellevés won 1st place in the Pom category, 2nd place in the Hip Hop category, 2nd place in the Military category, 3rd place in the Dance category, and 4th place in the Character category.  


Story and photos by Molly Brenchley.

DECA Competition Results

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Our DECA club had several students compete at the Snow College Competition as well as the LDS Business College Competition. Several students placed in these competitions.

At Snow College, Issack Bahena Placed second in his event and Luke Grotegut placed third in his event.At LDS Busness College Issack Bahena placed third in business management event.
Story and photos by Alan Marvin.

Science Olympiad Results

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

The Science Olympiad team competed at the Uintah Invitational over the weekend and took first place!  This was the first competition of the year and the team is excited about defending their state title.  Here are the individual results for each event from the competition:


First Place

Second Place

Story by Kyle Miller.

Preps of the Week

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Annie Merrill, Tiffany Asay, and Hannah Finch have been selected as Maple Mountain "Prep Athletes of the Week" for recently being selected to the UHSAA 5A All State Drill Team. Hannah, Tiffany and Annie are outstanding members of the drill team who have been very committed to their team and coaches. Congratulations and good luck in your competitions the rest of the year!

Story by Dave Boyack. Photos by Tyler Lewis.