Nebo Follow-up with Students

Submitted by tyler.lewis on
Nebo Students:

Thank you for your patience and support as we navigate through this unprecedented time in education. We just want to keep you updated on what is happening in Nebo School District.

For the past couple of days and even through the weekend, Nebo teachers have been in training and preparing online materials and/or packets for their students for “at home” instruction. 
Story by Lana Hiskey.

MMHS Lunch Procedure

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Here is the menu that will be served this week at school.  We don’t have supplies to do a cold grab and go this week. We are hoping to have them for next week.  Because of this, many of our items will be served hot.

Breakfast 8:00-9:00

Students will come to the lunchroom at this time to grab their breakfast.  The clerk will write down their name and lunch number. The student with then leave.

Lunch 11:00-12:00

Nebo Follow-up Information March 15, 2020

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

March 15, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians:

This letter, dated March 15, is a follow up to the Nebo District letter dated March 13, and other letters that have been sent from your child’s school.  It is intended to provide clarification regarding some general questions that have been circulating.  Please help us to ensure that all parents, guardians, grandparents, or caregivers who provide student support are aware of this information.


Story by Lana Hiskey.

Chamber Orchestra Competes at Nationals

Submitted by tyler.lewis on
This past weekend, Chamber Orchestra attended the ASTA National Orchestra Festival. They received Excellent Scores from all judges, which is second to Superior.  Please congratulate them on a job well done!  They put in countless hours in order to prepare for this festival, and they represented MMHS well.  This is the first time a MMHS Orchestra has even attempted to make it to nationals, and I am so proud of how far they've come!!


Story and photo by Aileen Keliiliki.

Principal DeAnn Nielsen Earns Nebo #Hashtag Award

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Congratulations to Principal DeAnn Nielsen at Maple Mountain High, in Nebo School District, for earning the Nebo #Hashtag Award. This award is given to the person that communicates to their parents and students, in a variety of ways, the events and important news items happening at school. Principal Nielsen has posted over 1,300 Instagram posts since she has been the principal. She also has 1,000s of individuals following her on social media to get the latest news from the school. Go check out all the wonderful things that are happening at MMHS @principal_nielsen on Instagram.

Story by Lana Hiskey.