Three MMHS Ellevés Named to 4a All-State Drill Team

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Three members of the Maple Mountain High School Drill Team were named to the 4A All-State Drill Team.  Madeline Froerer, daughter of Heather and Fritz Froerer, Laney Melton, daughter of Aaron and Tanya Melton, and Jamie Topham, daughter of Michelle and Greg Topham were chosen to represent Maple Mountain at the 4A All-State Drill Team Auditions. There were 54 girls who auditioned for 20 spots on the all-state team.

Story and photo by Molly Brenchley.

Dance Company Attends the Shakespearean Festival

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Every year the Maple Mountain Dance Company has the opportunity to travel to Cedar City and compete at the Shakespeare Festival.  Dancers and actors from different schools all over Utah gather as they take classes and compete in various categories.  This year the dance team took an ensemble and duet piece to be adjudicated.

Story by Whitney and McCall Moon.

Prep of the Week - Britney Lund

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Britney Lund has been selected as a "Prep of the Week" for her outstanding performances at the region and state cross country meets. Britney followed up her region first place finish with an all-state performance at state. Congratulations Britney on a great season!

Story by David Boyack. Photo by Tyler Lewis.

October Students of the Month

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Maple Mountain High School is proud to announce the October students of the month!

Sophomore Jannelyse Allred loves Dr. Seuss and his simple wisdom. “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose!” – Dr. Seuss. In five years, Jannelyse Allred sees herself graduated from MMHS, going to college, and/or on an LDS mission

Rachel Bingham Chosen for All-American Soccer Game

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Maple Mountain’s own star soccer player, Rachel Bingham, has been selected as one of twenty girls to play in the West Squad in the first annual All-American Games held in North Carolina. There are 40 girls altogether that play. There are 20 from the East and 20, including Rachel, from the West. Rachel said that all the accepted girls get together and practice and play together. She is super excited that she was accepted for this unique opportunity. 


Story by Rachel Christensen and Natalia Frasche. Photo by Kiera Barton.

70's, 80's, 90's, Now.

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

While you are walking down the halls at school, what do you see? How many people have colored skinny jeans on? Floral jeans? How many people have lace shirts? How many people have a big shirt on over leggings? Lets just say, a new fashion trend has been born in 2013.

 Lets start with girl’s fashion. Maple Mountain High School girls are rocking the hallways as they express themselves through their clothes. Lace, knee-high boots, bold colors, floral jeans, and animal print pants are some of the commonly found trends in 2013.

Story by Fatima Reedy. Photo by Jessica McClellan.