Sophomores Adjusting

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

We interviewed Sophomores to find out how they are adjusting to high school, and if they have liked it so far.  We found out that a lot of Sophomores are really enjoying high school, and many like it more than Junior High.  Nathan Nelson says, "I really liked Jr. High, but I think I prefer High School… I also really like having an open campus for lunch, and I'm sure I'll like it even more when I can drive!" 

Story and photos by Brooklyn Martin, Andelin Barlow, and Keslee Van Orman.

Free Breakfast and Lunch to All Nebo School District Students

Submitted by terry.krieger-james on

Beginning Monday, September 14, 2020, Nebo School District will be switching to an “Open Restricted Meal Program.” Under this program, breakfast and lunch are available for free to all students enrolled in Nebo School District, including remote learners.

Please click on links for more details:

Free Breakfast and Lunch to All Nebo School District Students

Registering For the AP Exam

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

*Deadline: Thursday, October 29th  

It is time to start the registration process for the AP Exams. The exams will still be given during the first 2 weeks of May, but the registration is happening much earlier in the school year.  Please make sure you follow all of the steps, and pay attention to the deadlines so you don’t get stuck paying the late fee.

 To Register for an AP Exam:

1- Create an account at 
