Football Playoffs

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

The clock was counting down. 5 minutes, 4 minutes, 3, 2, 1. Our lead was narrow, potentially falling apart at any moment. Alta was putting up a defiant competition and our team was barely holding on. Then it happened. Time seemed to pause as the ball passed between the hands of our players, and then we scored, sealing our victory. Cheers went throughout the stands and sidelines as both the students and the team realized what this meant. We were moving on; we would be in the semifinals. We had beaten our rivals, Springville, the previous week and now had beat Alta.


Story by Carter Baldwin. Photo by Jessica Gray.

Fall Play

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Haunting, unnerving, unsettling, all words that can describe the radio play which was performed by MMHS students. Since it was Halloween weekend when the play was performed, Halloween was at the center of it, relying on one of the strongest Halloween characters: Dracula. Played by Rhett Tolman, Dracula spread fear into the audience as he and the cast told the story of Dracula. With a manic excitement in their eyes, the cast unsettled the audience through their terrifying tale.

By Carter Baldwin

Volleyball Season in Review

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

This year the Maple Mountain Varsity Volleyball team had a phenomenal season filled with memorable wins and experiences. With a record of 16-7 the team finished third in Region and made it to the second round of state playoffs. We have interviewed a couple of seniors about their season and experiences. 


By Naomi Memmott, Jessica Haderlie, and Rylee Salmon. Photos by Jeff Porcaro.

National School Psychology Week 2020

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Nebo celebrates all our school psychologists, and all they do for Nebo students.

During the week of November 9-13, 2020, schools throughout the United States will celebrate National School Psychology Week to highlight the important work school psychologists and other educators do to help all students thrive. 

By Lana Hiskey