At-Home Learning Tips & Expectations

Submitted by terry.krieger-james on

At-Home Learning Tips & Expectations

As we transition into the “Alternating Day Schedule,” students will have learning expectations for the three days where they are not at school. To keep on schedule with learning, we have outlined some tips to help.

Set an at-home schedule (For all Wednesdays and the other two days at home)

MMHS Alternating Schedule

Submitted by terry.krieger-james on

Golden Eagle Parents and Students,

Nebo District and the County Board of Health have determined that, because of increased COVID-19 case counts at Maple Mountain High School and in our community, MMHS will be moving to an “Alternating Day Schedule” for two (2) weeks beginning on Monday, November 16. We hope to return to our regular school schedule on Monday, November 30. Please know that no one group has caused our case counts to rise, but a result of rising cases statewide.