MMHS Ellevés Named 5A Academic Drill Team Champions at State 5A Drill Competition

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

On Wednesday, February 3, 2021, the MMHS Ellevés competed in the State 5A Semi Finals Drill Team Competition held at UVU.  A total of 18 drill teams from schools in the 5A division competed to be one of the top 8 teams that would advance to the finals. The Ellevés made the top 8 and were going on to compete in the finals.

On Thursday, February 4, 2021, the Ellevés competed in the finals and placed 6th in the military category, 6th in the dance category and 6th in the show category.  Overall, Maple Mountain placed 6th.


Story and photos by Molly Brenchley.

MMHS Test-to-Play for ALL Extracurricular Participants - Feb 8th

Submitted by terry.krieger-james on

MMHS's next test-to-play day is Monday, February 8th, starting at 2:00pm.

A couple things to be aware of as we test:

I need every participant to show up on time and to have completed the survey ahead of time. We are testing roughly 500 people in 2 hours, and if even a few people are behind or have to fill out the survey on the spot, it will throw our schedule off. Just to give you an idea of how this works - We are trying to test 50 participants every 15 minutes. If we are not a well-oiled machine, we will easily get behind.

DECA Region Competition Results

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Last week our MMHS DECA (marketing/business) club competed in our region competition. It has been a strange year with all competitions being held virtually, our students have stayed positive and performed very well at region. Listed below are the students who placed and in what event they competed. If you see these students, please congratulate them on the great success!

Austin Wilson - 2nd Place - Business Service Marketing


Story by Alan Marvin.