2021 CTE Outstanding Seniors of the Year - Hayden Schnell

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Josie Reynaud nominated Hayden Schnell from her Business/Marketing classes as a CTE Outstanding Senior. Mrs. Reynaud said, "I had the privilege of having Hayden as a student in my Entrepreneurship class. He is one of those rare students who completes every assignment on time and to perfection. Hayden won the Entrepreneurial Shark Tank competition in his class period. He is full of energy, treats everyone with respect, and is just super fun to be around. I feel so lucky to have had the privilege of being his teacher!"


Story by Josie Reynaud. Photo by Tyler Lewis.

2021 CTE Outstanding Seniors of the Year - Kimi Lau

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Cassie Reese nominated Kimi Lau from her Medical Anatomy and Physiology classes as a CTE Outstanding Senior. Mrs. Reese said, "Kimi is an absolute delight to have in class. She just radiates happiness when she is in room. She is an extremely hard worker and really stays on top of her grades. She is a great communicator and does stellar work on every assignment. Kimi is a very talented artist, which has nothing to do with anatomy but the work she turns in and the art I have seen shows her dedication in everything she does.


Story by Cassie Reese. Photo by Tyler Lewis.

2021 CTE Outstanding Seniors of the Year - Andrew Jackson

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Mark Roberts nominated Andrew Jackson from his Furniture Design classes as a CTE Outstanding Senior. Mr. Roberts said, "Andrew is a 3rd year student in my woodshop classes and has always stood out with quality work and good work ethic. He always comes in with a smile and a great attitude. It has been a pleasure to have Andrew in my classes."


Story by Mark Roberts. Photo by Tyler Lewis.

MMHS receives UVU Award

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Assistant principals Jeff “Whites” Nelson and Terry Krieger-James accepted the 2021 Concurrent Enrollment Completion Award from UVU on behalf of our concurrent enrollment program. Maple Mountain High School had the highest number of students who completed their college general education certificate (based on data from the class of 2020.) Thank you to all of our teachers for all they do to help our students succeed in their college-level classes!

Story and photo by Robyn Dunn.

FBLA State Competition Winners

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Our FBLA students recently competed at state, and here is the list of students who made TOP TEN!

Entrepreneurship Team: 7th place -- Anton Meyer & Austin Willson
Marketing Team: 9th place -- Hunter Dustin, Hudson Roney & Austin Willson
Introduction to Business: 8th place -- Austin Willson & 6th place -- Gavin Murray


Story by Robyn Dunn.

MMHS Summer Volleyball Camp

Submitted by terry.krieger-james on

MMHS Summer Volleyball Camp - July 12 -15

MMHS's new volleyball coach, Adam Longmore, is offering a four-day camp for grades 4-12 and to prepare for the upcoming high school season. If NCAA rules allow, coaches will include former and current collegiate players and coaches. Please refer to the attached flyer and registration form for more information or contact adam.longmore [at] nebo.edu. Registration forms are available at the main office at MMHS.