MMHS Ellevés Win 5A Overall Trophy at First Competition

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

The MMHS Ellevés competed in their first competition of the season, The Mustang Classic Drill Competition, at Herriman High School on Saturday, December 4. The Ellevés competed in the Hip Hop, Military, Dance, and Show categories. 

The Ellevés won 1st place in the Hip Hop category, 2nd place in the Military category, 2nd place in the Dance category, and 1st place in the Show category. The Ellevés also won the 5A Overall trophy. The team was very excited and pleased with their success!


Story and photos by Molly Brenchley.

Students of the Month - November

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Ashton Wall
What are your favorite hobbies?  I work on engines, growing plants, just things that involve my hands, and also learning stuff. 
If you could have a conversation with anyone from history, who would it be and what would you ask them?  My great grandparents.  I would love to hear their stories and things.  

Della Wilkins