Golden Eagles Fight Tough against Red Devils

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Last Friday, January 29, the Springville Red Devils hosted the Maple Mountain Golden Eagles. The Red Devil’s Raul Delgado led the way with a game-high 23 points to down the Golden Eagles 77-44.    In spite of the loss, Maple Mountain’s Cameron Starr had a big night with 19 pts and a 3-point shot.
Photos by Mark Spencer

Lady Golden Eagles Fall to Undefeated Red Devils

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The Red Devils remain perfect after bringing down the Golden Eagles Friday, January 29, at Springville’s home court. Sadie Clements, senior, led the Lady Red Devils as she put down a game-high 22 points, 12 of which came from 3-pt shots. 

Maple Mountain’s Kasandra Paprocki, sophomore, individually scored 11 points for the Lady Golden Eagles including a 3-point shot.   Come support our girls’ basketball team at their next home game on Tuesday, February 16, at 5:15 pm.
Photos by Carey White

MMHS DECA Students Compete at UVU

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On Friday, January 29, eight students from Maple Mountain High School competed in various DECA--A Marketing Club--competitive events at Utah Valley University.   Allison Fernandez received first place for highest test score in Hospitality Management. Jessika Hilton, Chapter President, received two first place awards—Restaurant and Food Service Individual Role Play Event and highest test score in Restaurant and Food Service.    Shirley Luo competed in Accounting Applications, Raquel Jones competed in Apparel and Accessories, Allison Fernandez and Dallan Brindley compete
by Carey White, DECA Advisor

Solo and Ensemble Festival

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MMHS music students participated in the first-ever Maple Mountain High School Solo & Ensemble Festival on the evening of Wednesday, January 27. Students prepared and presented pieces ranging from instrumental solo concerto pieces and vocal arias to percussion ensembles in hopes that they might qualify for the Region Festival on February 17 at Salem Hills High School. Students are graded on a scale of I (superior) to V (poor) by professional adjudicators on their instruments.

Join the MMHS Robotics Team

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Do all your clubs at school seem the same; a whole lot of work and nothing to show for it?  Well, if you have a skill or interest in engineering, programming, and drafting, then the robotics team is for you!  Maple Mountain High School is hosting the first ever district-wide robotics team, meaning all high school students (grades 9 – 12) in Nebo School district are invited to participate.

by Kyrie Carpenter, MMHS Golden Eagle Globe

Local Author Inspires Students

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On January 21, 2010, Maple Mountain High School’s Internship Program sponsored “Window on the Workplace,” which invited local author J. Scott Savage as their guest speaker.  Savage was not always a writer, and writing had never been his dream. Before he started writing, Savage worked for a company that made little creatures that moved around the computer screen and talked to you. Because of the downturn in the economy, he found himself traveling a lot; this is where the idea for his first published book, Cutting Edge, came.

By: William Shelton, MMHS Golden Eagle Globe