A Bright Start to MMHS Baseball

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Mr. Gary Miner, MMHS teacher, not only teaches history and government but also coaches the first MMHS Baseball team. With ten years of coaching under his belt, Coach Miner knows what he’s doing. Taking a brand new group of boys and turning them into a team is no easy task, but Coach Miner has done a fantastic job this year as head coach.
By Sarah Blancher, MMHS Golden Eagle Globe

Chelsea Tramell Interns at MMHS

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Chelsea Tramell is an intern for special needs at the Maple Mountain High School. “I’m interested in this line of work because I love special needs kids, I think they are so much fun and they are so full of life. The more I work with them the more I understand the way they feel. They are normal people like us, but they are so much cooler,”

Tramell commented on her work, “I have major projects that I am working on, a cookbook and a few reading activities. I also get to do what a peer tutor does which is work with kids and every Friday I go on field trips with the kids.”
Marshall Levi, MMHS Golden Eagle Globe

Kim Salisbury Interns at Discovery Ranch

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Senior Kim Salisbury is helping out her town by working an internship at Discovery Ranch, located in Mapleton. Discovery Ranch is a high-end treatment center for troubled teens in which they focus on equine (working with horses) therapy. Kim is interested in this line of work because she enjoys helping others with their struggles that they may face in life; and, to learn about people and why we do what we do.
By Nick H. Taylor, MMHS Staff Writer

Nursing Internship at Mountain View Hospital

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Brooke Hales, a senior at Maple Mountain High School, is currently interning as a nurse at Mountain View Hospital in Payson. She first became interested in this line of work because her mom is a nurse; however, she just also likes to help people, and nursing gives her the ability to do that. Brooke’s duties at the hospital are helping with whatever the nurses need to be done; this includes making baby hats, daddy c-section packs, ice packs, stocking clean linens, and I-V trays. 
By Kyrie Carpenter, MMHS Golden Eagle Globe