MMHS Ellevés Do Well At First Competition

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

The MMHS Ellevés competed in their first competition of the season, The UVU Invitational Drill Team Competition, at UVU on Saturday, December 14. The Ellevés competed in the Hip Hop, Military, Dance, and Character categories. There were eleven schools competing in the 4A division.

The Ellevés won 2nd place in the Hip Hop category, 2nd place in the Dance category, 2nd place in the Character category and 4th place in the Military category. Overall, in the 4A division the Ellevés were ranked 2nd. The team was very excited and pleased with their success!


Story by Molly Brenchley.

MMHS Greenhouse Poinsettia Sale

Submitted by tyler.lewis on


Maple Mountain High School offers their poinsettias for sale. $8.00 for an 8" pot (these are bigger than the standard poinsettia). Available in the standard red color. Quantities are limited so please order as soon as possible. You can order by visiting

All proceeds help Maple Mountain greenhouse students do more projects.


Story by Kaylee Liddiard.