Prep of the Week - Hanslee Peay

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Hanslee Peay has been selected as our "Prep of the Week" for his outstanding play as a member of our football team. Hanslee is averaging over 100 yards a game in total offense over the past two games as a running back and slot receiver. He also plays safety on the defensive side of the ball.  Hanslee is also an outstanding student in the classroom. Congratulations Hanslee and good luck to you and the Golden Eagles the rest of the season!

Story by Dave Boyack. Photo by Tyler Lewis.

PSAT Announcement

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

The PSAT will be administered at MMHS on Saturday, October 14, 2017. The PSAT serves as a practice test for the SAT as well as the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship. Sophomores and Juniors may take the test. In order to be considered for the National Merit Scholarship, the PSAT must be taken during the Junior year. Register in the Finance Office, the cost of the test is $20.00 and will be limited to 50 students. See your counselor if you have question or would like more information about the benefits of taking PSAT.


Story by Casey Mattinson.

PreACT Announcement

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

On Monday, September 18th the PreACT Exam will be administered to all Sophomore students. Junior and Senior students do not need to attend on this day. Sophomores will need to bring with them no.2 pencils and an approved calculator if they wish to use one for the math portion of the test. All of the problems on the math test can be solved without the use of a calculator. If you are unsure if your calculator is approved please visit Testing will begin promptly at 7:50 so please be on time.


Story by Casey Mattinson.