MMHS Ellevés Win Sweepstakes at First Competition

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

The MMHS Ellevés competed in their first competition of the season, The Wasatch Drill Invitational Competition, at Wasatch High School on Saturday, December 1.  The Ellevés competed in the Pom, Hip Hop, Military, Dance, and Kick categories.  

The Ellevés won 1st place in the Pom category, 1st place in the Hip Hop category, 1st place in the Military category, 1st place in the Dance category, and 1st place in the Kick category.  The Ellevés also won the 5A Overall Sweepstakes award.  The team was very excited and pleased with their success! 


Story and photos by Molly Brenchley.

November Students of the Month

Submitted by tyler.lewis on
Danielle Stephenson
Where do you want to see yourself in five years? 
I see myself in SLC teaching philosophy/world religions at a high school and working towards my doctorates degree in philosophy at the University of Utah. 
What are your favorite hobbies?  
Writing, reading, photography, learning Korean, petting cats and eating rice.
If you could have a conversation with anyone from history, who would it be and what would you ask them?  

Preps of the Week - Valerie Friant & Jentrie Reid

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Valerie Friant and Jentrie Reid have been selected as student athlete "Prep of the Week" honoree's for making the 5A All State drill team recently. Valerie and Jentrie participated in an audition along with many other drill team members throughout the state. Only a select few made it to the final cut as all state members. Jentrie and Valerie are dedicated, outstanding members of our drill team who also excel in the classroom. Congratulations girls and good luck to you and your team the rest of the year!

Story by David Boyack. Photos by Tyler Lewis.