Local Author Inspires Students

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On January 21, 2010, Maple Mountain High School’s Internship Program sponsored “Window on the Workplace,” which invited local author J. Scott Savage as their guest speaker.  Savage was not always a writer, and writing had never been his dream. Before he started writing, Savage worked for a company that made little creatures that moved around the computer screen and talked to you. Because of the downturn in the economy, he found himself traveling a lot; this is where the idea for his first published book, Cutting Edge, came.  It’s been nine years now since Savage published his first book, and he is now the author of six published books. Some of his works include:  Dead on Arrival, House of Secrets, and the Far World Series. 

Savage spoke to the students about what they need to do if they’d like to become a published author. First, he told them they need to create characters and a plot that will get the attention of readers. “It can be anything you want,” he told the students. Once they have completed a story, he said it’s a good idea to find an agent because there are not many publishers that will take an author without an agent. Savage himself recently signed on with an international agent. After that, all you have to do is write and your agent will help you with the rest.

Currently, Savage works full-time as a writer and is working on three or four books that are to be published next year. He says he loves his job and wouldn’t trade it for any other.

By: William Shelton, MMHS Golden Eagle Globe