November 2022

Students of the Month - November

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Samantha Crockett
Where do you want to see yourself in five years? Graduated from baking and pastry school and pursuing a career in that field.  
What are your favorite hobbies? I love to bake and cook!! I love to read!! I do crossfit as well and I love doing all types of crafts like sewing and crocheting. 

Story by MaryLynne Graff.

Utah Red Rocks State Marching Band Competition

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

The MMHS marching band performed at the Utah Red Rocks State Marching Band Competition on Friday, November 4th, and they performed at the Bands of America Regionals on Saturday, November 5th. The band placed 3rd in 5A, and was declared region IX champions. The band was also 0.2 points away from placing 2nd! On Saturday the band placed 3rd in the AAA division, and was awarded the Outstanding Musical Performance Caption. The students did such a wonderful job on their two performances.

Story by Josh Hurst.

Three MMHS Ellevés Names to the 5A All-State Drill Team

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Three members of the Maple Mountain High School Drill Team were chosen to audition for the 5A All-State Drill Team.  Hadlie Miller, daughter of Haley Miller and the late Jayson Miller; Lauren Taylor, daughter of Christopher and Tammy Taylor; and Oaklee Tingey, daughter of RaShel Shepherd and Ty Tingey, represented Maple Mountain at the auditions held on Wednesday, November 2


Story and photo by Molly Brenchley.


Submitted by terry.krieger-james on

Please join us at MMHS's performance of Macbeth on November 10 at 7:00 p.m.; November 12 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.; and on November 14 at 7:00 p.m.

Students and Seniors Admission is $6.00.

General Admission is $8.00.

Go Golden Eagles!