April 2022

Students of the Month - April

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Chaz Sorensen
Where do you want to see yourself in five years?  Probably going to college for software development.
What are your favorite hobbies?  Playing games, listening to music and filming /editing videos. 
If you could have a conversation with anyone from history, who would it be and what would you ask them?  I'd talk to JFK & ask him to tell me what his plans were for America. 

Elisabeth Hovanski

MMHS Parent/Student Newsletter for 4-18-22

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

See the attachment for our MMHS Parent/Student Newsletter for 4-18-22 and below is a link to our Counseling Department's April Newsletter.

Reminder to our sophomore students:  ACT Aspire Testing begins tomorrow, April 19th, and goes until Friday, April 22nd.  Please remember to bring your chrome books to school each day charged and ready to use for testing.  We have a very limited supply in our copy center to check out for student use.

Thanks so much and have a wonderful week!  

Story by Joy Maughan.

Region Festival For Our Choirs

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Our 4 choirs recently performed at our Region Festival and did very well! Chamber Singers, Men's Chorus, Concert Choir, and Sorelle Voce ALL received straight superior ratings (which is the highest ratings you can get)! These kids are awesome and they have worked extremely hard. They'll all be going to State this coming May. Please tell them congrats.


Story by Braden Rymer.

Cheer Tryouts

Submitted by tyler.lewis on

Maple Mountain cheer tryouts are Friday, April 15 from 3-6 pm in the main gym. To be ready for the tryouts, there is a mandatory parent meeting Wednesday, April 13 at 7 pm in the cafeteria and a tryout clinic Thursday, April 14 from 5-8 pm in the auxiliary gym.

More information is on their Instagram bio @mmhs_cheer or you can reach out to the coach Aubree at Aubree.Earnest [at] outlook.com
