Students of the Month - September 2024

Submitted by kyra.benson on
Ellie, Livvy, Oakley, Ivee, Josh

Olivia (Livvy) Larson

What are your favorite hobbies?  
Theater, horseback riding, singing, fashion design, improving acting, running, and journaling.  
If you could have a conversation with anyone from history, who would it be and what would you ask them?  Rosa Parks, because she always stood up for what she believed in. 
Ivee Cauble
Where do you see yourself in five years?  I'd like to go into music education to teach high school choir.  Either that or somewhere up in the mountains:)
What are your favorite hobbies?  I love choir and theatre (come see Mamma Mia in November!)  I also love to sew and crochet whenever I can. 
If you could have a conversation with anyone from history, who would it be and what would you ask them?  Robin Williams.  He seems like such a lovely person to have a conversation with.  His work is incredible. 
Oakley Ryan 
Where do you want to see yourself in five years?
Going to college to get a career to make good money, and hopefully, dating and coming home from an LDS mission. 
What are your favorite hobbies?  Drumming, guitar, music, marching band (tenors!!!) rocking out, singing, making songs, basketball, swimming, having fun. 
If you could have a conversation with anyone from history, who would it be and what would you ask them?  Jesus.  I'd ask what the best way to live life is. 
Ellie Maddox
Where do you want to see yourself in five years?  
At college. 
What are your favorite hobbies? 
Dancing and hanging out with friends. 
If you could have a conversation with anyone from history, what would it be and what would you ask them?  I would like to talk with Empress Elisabeth from Austria.  I visited her palaces this summer and I would ask her what it was like living in Austria during her time. 
Josh Carlson
Where do you want to see yourself in five years?  
In 5 years I will be home from my mission and will be taking classes at BYU.
What are your favorite hobbies? 
I love music. I play percussion, cello, and piano. I also love playing sports, and my favorite sports are football and baseball. I like fishing, camping, hiking, and playing video games.
If you could have a conversation with anyone from history, what would it be and what would you ask them?  I would I would talk to John Lennon and ask what it was like being one of the Beatles.